
List of Fide Titled Players

GM_Vorapsak, I sacrificed everything to see if i could still win, apparently your not as awful as your ratings. But GM_Vorapsak, I do not appreciate your unwarranted boasts, i think you just need to shut the f*** up and play chess. Who else agrees with me? Please post Ay or Nay!
Obviously Fake GM: I'm the best GM ever! My boasting makes Kasparov look humble!

Trollbaited: You are obviously fake GM, I will destroy you.

*They play each other. Obviously Fake GM wins because Trollbaited plays ridiculously bad moves*

Obviously Fake GM: I am Kasparov if Kasparov had computer for brain. I destroy Trollbaited and next the world!

Trollbaited: I don't understand the joke, and I lost game, so I will make excuses and rage.
This thread is by far the funniest thing I've seen on lichess. Thanks for the laughs, guys. :)
I had suspicions playing this player via his instantaneous reaction time to unusual moves in a bullet tournament. I cannot judge the moves' quality, but the timing was crazy to me for unexpected pieces hangs and checks.

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