
The Chess Circus

ChessAnalysisOff topic
thoughts on how we become the clowns of the show

The Chess Dream?

Long ago when I learned chess, it was just a hobby, nothing more than an 8x8 board game that I played here and there, no real emotions connected nor any real value I saw, during the chess boom of 2020 I thought to hook on the "chess dream" or in other words trying to pump my ELO into 2300+ and also try to play some OTB events, maybe even try to play some titled players OTB or get a decent national rating or FIDE rating. This went on for a year and then I realized that the "chess dream" that is being sold to you by almost everyone (YouTube opening prep videos, Chessable courses, videos, Chess Broadcasts etc) is just a "dream" than anything reality. I did learn a thing or two, but at the end of the day I just realized one big thing, no matter if I improve or not, or believe their claims that buying their courses, or watching the stream or even watching the live candidates twitch stream, the providers will benefit more than me. See, even if I improve a ton of bit (which I didn't even though I invested a little bit of time and money into chess) these providers will benefit regardless of your actual improvement.

Why Share Knowledge When You Can Live The Dream Yourself?

This is what I asked myself after I went into the circus of buying/investing time in chess, every day it was another YouTube channel, another Twitch stream, another chess course if the chess providers (the masters) who have been selling these courses/chess content can use it themselves why are they not living the chess dream? Right if they have this secret opening prep they made a course on Chessable, why make it sellable? Why can't they just use their resources and live the dream they want to sell to you? Here I realized another major thing, most of not all chess providers are not interested in pumping up the ELO or getting the title, because even though they know there is no money in chess, since they have some knowledge, they are trying to scapegoat a beginner chess player into buying their courses/content regardless them caring about your chess improvement. I want to emphasize that I'm talking about providers that don't have in-person contact with you, of course, your local chess coach will greatly help you to 1-on-1 than these providers.

Chess Business models

So far I have seen some or not at least the chess business models I listed below

- Chess YouTube Channel
- Chess Twitch Channel
- Chess Course Listing Page (Chessable and other listing sites)
- Chess Coaching Listing Page
- Chess Platform ( other platforms)

The above are common business models and not all at least 95% claim that you will improve your chess when you buy their service/product. I want to emphasize that these businesses/individuals are not doing anything wrong, just as customers we chess players should care a bit more not to enter into the "chess circus" Here is what I mean by the circus..

The Chess Circus

Below is the circus, you lose a game or a tournament or just make blunders, and you then read social media posts about how x y z gained 400 OTB rating, or how some dude went from 1200 to 2100 in 3 years, or how some chess prodigy took down a 2800 GM under 12 moves. Finally, you start searching for courses, coaches, and chess platforms to sell you the chess dream which you are asking for, this providers are the business models above that for sure every single chess player is insecure about their strengths and when put on the comparison, will cash in to improve their game.

I think the social media factor and self-comparison play a major role which entering you into the chess circus, once we see everyone around us (physically or digitally) improving at the game, we start becoming insecure and questioning ourselves. The providers can't be blamed for the circus because they are just doing their part, but at least they know also that once you enter the circus you will become the clown, they will become the audience, ready to be entertained by your extreme desire to improve so much that at one point you will do whatever they say.

The ELO Drug

I think another part that helps the circus go around more and more is the ELO Drug, in my opinion, the ELO drug is a rating you lose before comparison and the ELO you gain or lose after cashing in on chess resources. For example, when you have lost a ton of ELO (online or OTB) before self-comparison, you are just likely to compare yourself with others on social media, IRL clubs etc, but ELO Drug becomes more addictive after you cash into chess resources, and your ELO is no way going up but rather dropping or just staying the same. During this time you just feel that the problem is yourself, you can't learn this x way the x chess coach/course is teaching you so you buy y way and follow the circus, you will keep doing this again and again without realizing that how much you destroyed your confidence and your current ELO because your comparison ELO drug has become a crazy addiction.

Breaking The Circus

This circus will be like an evil cycle it will spin more than a black hole, but you going to put a stop to it, the following things can be done to break the cycle and not get too carried away with this cycle.

- Take chess breaks (don't play games or tournaments for weeks to months)
- Don't heavily trust Chess social media, take breaks from Chess social media posts
- Care less about online ELO, especially bullet or blitz
- Be graceful of where you are already, then compare yourself with others
- Don't blindly follow chess providers' advice, have some of your say as well


The circus is already there, a cycle that keeps going, we have become the clowns to our own deepest desires to become the best of ourselves in reality, we just become more insecure, hopefully, this time around we can become the audience.

Cheers guys