
I will pay someone through Paypal to analyze my 9 USCF OTB losses

I'm not going through the coaches page because those are more lesson-based/a set amount of time, whereas what I need is for someone to just analyze my PGNs. I will Paypal you some money, price negotiable, if you look at my 9 losses from USCF tourneys. Looking for someone with a high rating and also has OTB experience. And what I'm looking for is not the different variations. I can see all of that using the analysis board here on lichess. What I'm looking for is someone to be able to spot patterns of weaknesses in my games. Where should I focus my studying in terms of opening/middlegame/endgame? Things that I do during most of those losses that are fixable. Are there pieces that I'm stronger / weaker with? Things like that. I tried this about a month ago with someone from Craigslist but they didn't do a good job and I ended up wasting money that way. Either reply in this thread or shoot me a message. Thanks
You have some risk of getting good advises from forum for free if you upload games here. Additionally, you can upload games and select best answer for more deep analysis. Just thoughts.
For example, you upload your games and ask people to post recommendations with small prize for most useful answer. And if you want you can ask author of best answer for more deep analysis. This way you get some verified advises, forum gets some experience, and best coaches get reputation. Not coach myself, but this format feels good.
In the first game you're doing great but 23.Nh4??? was a shocking move, not only because the knight is on the rim but also because it has no future there; it does nothing there and it can't go nowhere. It seems d4 was the perfect square for your knight. Another problematic move was 27. b3. With that move you killed your bishop and rook. Instead, Bxc4 looks much better. After that, you exchange a rook and push your pawns on the queen side, although that knight on 4h is still a sad piece.
You had that pawn majority on the queen side and you should have focused on advancing those pawns; I can't see any other plan.
Next time, think about piece placement. Put your soldiers on squares where they can do useful things. And also think about exchanges that free your pieces to do some job.
In the second game you blundered a piece and your opponent played almost perfectly after that. The problem with 4. ... Bg4 is not only it can be lost to some tactics like it actually happened in the game; that move weakens your queen side severely. The bishop gets unprotected, b7 gets unprotected and your king also gets vulnerable after you play e6. Besides, your're developing a piece on the side of the board you probably don't want to castle to because that side has no good shelter for your king. We usually develop pieces on the side of the board we want to castle to, and we usually develop knights first. Knights first because they control the center better and your b7 or f7 pawns don't get unprotected too soon. So remember: develop pieces first on the side of the board you're gonna castle (unless, of course, you have a strong reason to do something different).
Drawish_Giri is spot on with the improper piece placement. In game 2, an unprotected piece dropped off. In every game there are times where you just chase a piece to a better square. In game 4, you allow a protected passed pawn, which gave you a losing endgame. In the last, you lose the Queen to a simple tactic. Castling would have prevented this.
I suggest you find a chess book, I don't know the exact title but something like 101 chess mistakes beginner's make, and find what rule you broke. This will force you to think more deeply and you will remember better.
If you are still stuck, post again with a more selected question.
After analyzing your third game, I realized you have a problem with your openings. Again you're developing the wrong pieces. The queen should not go to the center of the board too soon. In some openings moving the queen early is ok, but you must know what you're doing. If you play 1.e4, you usually need to play Nc3 to protect that pawn; instead you played c4 blundering your best pawn. And again you developed pieces on the side of the board you don't want to castle to because that side is too weak after some pawn moves.

I recommend you read this great article:

And then watch videos about the opening you want to play. This channel is fantastic:

And this one too:

Good luck with your chess!

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