
I will donate $1,000 USD if LIChess implements the Bronstein Chess Varient

I have a variant that you might find interesting @boorchess , I made it around 2007.

The game starts with a blank board, white always going first. You alternate placing pieces with your opponent wherever you want on the board with the following basic rules: You will always place your kings first, and the king is the only piece limited to his own back rank. The 9 squares closest to the king are safe squares which your opponent cannot place a piece. If you are on A1, your safe squares would be A1,B1,C1,A2,B2,C2,A3,B3,C3 if your king is on d1 it would be C1,D1,E1, C2,D2,E2,C3,D3,E3 et. After the kings are placed you place a pawn, and the furthest you may place a pawn is on the 5th rank for white, fourth for black. Also another thing about pawn placement, you are limited to placing 1 pawn per file unless you do not have a legal pawn move in a file, in which case that pawn may be put into a file already containing a pawn. All gameplay goes Piece Placement, Pawn Placement, Piece Placement, Pawn Placement etc... When all pieces are on the board, a regular game of chess commences, there is no castling, en passant exists. You may not place an opponent into check while dropping a piece. You may only have 1 bishop of each color.

I have played many games of this variant I created and find it quite balanced. I would be down to play you some games in study if you want.
^ Try out the game called Choker, you get to place pieces at the beginning of your turn (you only get 5 pieces though)

I don't remember where I read this but placing down your pieces prior to the start of the game actually gives white a huge advantage. Someone already thought of this it was like +2 or something for white according to some GM
I found it to be almost better for black, as you get the right to place the last piece before you start.
Black gets better piece position (ideally) but white gets to make the first move to start off the game. That's a decent compensation.
I just played a game of Placement chess on pychess, and I like it a lot. With the same goal as 960 (the end of theory), it omits the foolish starting positions that crop up in the latter. And it feels much more like a normal chess game than 960, can't explain that. But so much work has been expended on promoting 960, and it is established, even if Nakamura and Carlsen could never really make it take off. In a perfect world, Placement chess (needs a snappier name :p) would have been the first variant to try to omit theory, but I just can't see it replacing 960 for centuries at least, after 960 has become established as the anti-theory variant. It's kind of sad, because I would like Placement chess a lot more than 960. Maybe Boorchess could use his status as an FM to promote Placement chess here by creating a team etc, and slowly developing a Placement chess community on pychess. But if Seirawan chess is not introduced when Yasser is here and anxious to promote it, I don't see new variants being introduced. Thank god three checks got in the door before it slammed :p
@boorchess. Although it's a cool variant. IT will take time for lichess to make it one and if he even agrees to do it its gonna take a lot of time.
@Aceno0b the reason why 960 sucks is because its still symmetrical like normal chess, in placement chess it become unsymmetrical and much more interesting.

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