
US and Ukraine vote against anti-Nazi resolution repudiated at UN

@Marlonc said in #30:
> «Народ России сможет отличить патриотов от предателей, такое очищение общества только укрепит страну. Запад делает ставку на "пятую колонну" в России, пытаясь расколоть общество.
> Я не осуждаю тех, у кого вилла в Майами, кто любит фуа-гра, но есть те, кто хочет быть в "высшей касте", сидеть на Западе, однако их лишь используют»
> I recommend as a translator, better than Google.

Thank You!
<Comment deleted by user>
@pkill said in #33:
> @SJCVChess
> i listened to it. i know what he said. the only thing that is not clear is why the translation is trying to spin it as ethnic cleansing.

Russian translators are now a part of your grand conspiracy theories ? are all Russian translators agents of the CIA now ?
pkill, I find you quite interesting. Posting opinions, and deleting them later to ensure lack of accountability. Very interesting indeed.
@pkill said in #33:
> @SJCVChess
> i listened to it. i know what he said. the only thing that is not clear is why the translation is trying to spin it as ethnic cleansing.
@TCF_Namelecc it isn't hard to archive forum posts which might later be deleted. Nor is it hard to ping those whom you address.
<Comment deleted by user>
@Mopman said in #22:
> Credibility from Putin ?
> If Ukraine gives up it's nuclear weapons we promise we will never invade them.
> We are only invading the Crimea and have no wish to annex any other part of the Ukraine.
> We are just performing a military exercise we are not planning any invasion.
> We are just protecting Russians from oppression in these two small eastern provinces.
> We are not invading the rest of the Ukraine we are just performing a ‘special military operation’ .
> We are not . . .

Ukraine never had its (there's no apostrophe) own nuclear weapons. Following the end of the USSR there remained, in what is now the territory of Ukraine, Soviet weapons of which the Russian Federation took custody--much to the relief of the international community, I might add.
@TCF_Namelecc said in #35:
> @pkill , I find you quite interesting. Posting opinions, and deleting them later to ensure lack of accountability. Very interesting indeed.

Wow , can confirm and so can anybody else .

According to your own Profile you posted 9 messages in "Russia-Ukraine war: Key things to know about the conflict!"

You deleted all 9 of them !
@pkill said in #37:
> deleting things has nothing to do with lack of accountability.. but you can deflect and spin it however you want.

Deleting your own messages afterwards has everything to do with credibility and accountability.

And you did not delete one message you deleted all 9 of them in a single thread !

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