
The -500 +500 Rating Range Is Already Getting Very Annoying, Can We Please Change It?

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@TCF_Namelecc , @RickRenegade It might or might not be a problem, we would need some statistics to know for sure. Still, even assuming that it is, it seems a relatively minor issue, in comparison to multiple problems with the new update that I have already explained so many times.

If you don't understand that people happy or indifferent to the changes have little reason to comment, then I really don't know what you're thinking.
I know that there is a player currently on a top 10 leaderboard that has peaksitted for 4 months by playing 1400s.

However, I have no real statistics and I'm not sure how to get statistics on this.
@jhuang Which part of "As usual, we have no way to know what the quiet majority thinks" is that difficult to comprehend? And you never even refer to my arguments, you only pick up some random fragments and distort them to make cheap attacks. Pathetic.

@TCF_Namelecc What you say suggests that it could be a problem indeed. Maybe we could think of some other way to address it, of course only if the developers were actually willing to engage in some dialogue with the community.

We do know because if it was a real problem, there would be 10x to 100x the number of threads about this.
@TCF_Namelecc Maybe the change should be to how the leaderboard is calculated? Or how ratings are calculated? Was that considered at all?

And still, nobody has addressed why the change applies to casual games as well as rated.
@jhuang The problem becomes real only when the forum is filled with threads about it down to the tenth page? And only quantity matters, arguments have no meaning at all? Did you even notice that the moderators close surplus threads on the same topic? Trolling.

Did you notice no one cares about your arguments? Maybe its because they aren't as quality as you think, and you attacked sazed and other devs for no good reason. Think about it.
I think they should at least allow us to have like two sliders on each side, so that we can play people rated +100-+300 higher than me. That's what chess24 does IIRC

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