
When joining a tournament days before, Lichess gets confused by the old rating

I joined the Chess960 Revolution tournament when I was rated 1661. Today when I started playing in it, my rating was shown as 1661. The rating system correctly used my last real rating of 1708 to calculate changes from, but this glitch also confuses the activity feed.

My activity feed shows currently a +57 rating points gain for today in Chess960 (1661 to 1718) when it should only be +10 (1708 to 1718)
Yes, that's known, that has always been the case. Now you know you don't want to join so early ;-)
эта партия должна быть ничьей, а не поражением, поскольку у соперника недостаточно материала для выигрыша
@Aborigen100500 said in #5:
it can be a win for white..
suppose yr king is on h8, yr rook on g8 & yr bishop on h7.
white king on h6 & his Knight on f7.. its a smothered mate,, (white wins)
@Aborigen100500 said in #5:
> эта партия должна быть ничьей, а не поражением, поскольку у соперника недостаточно материала для выигрыша

Please take a look at

> In the event of one player running out of time, that player will usually lose the game. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player's king by any possible series of legal moves (FIDE handbook §6.9).

The series of moves does NOT need to be logical, just legal. In case the player who has a bishop runs out of time and their opponent has a bishop, the opponent wins (this specific example is also given in FIDE Arbiter's manual)

Regarding the position you showed (where there was also a rook), here is a possible sequence of legal moves leading to mate, therefore the result is correct:

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