
Some suggestions

Hello! Lichess is my favorite online chess playground. In my opinion, the addition of the functions that I described below will make this service even better.

1. Add the ability to challenge with a handicap on time.

2. Expand functions on the forum. I would like to see there:
2.1. The ability to reply to comments.
2.2. Possibility to do polls.
And some other standard forum options.

3. Make a convenient window for viewing online clubs members (like it is now for friends)

4. Please make it possible to add avatars in the profile, make logos for clubs. And it would be also amazing to require the player to specify their country when they register on the site. Additional information about the opponent makes the game more lively.

5. Asking for bughouse chess is already indecent. But I will only note that there is no high-quality bughouse chess in the network now, and if it appears anywhere, it will only be here.
I think the ideas could work but I highly doubt that Lichess would add any of these things sadly :(
#1 @Robot_vupil_vodki

1. I think they are planning on adding that.

2.1 You can already do that by tagging the user (using @) and/or putting "#" before the post number.
2.2 Not sure what the purpose of this would be. You could use sites/services designated for such stuff.

3. Due to surge in active player at any given time, recently, they had to disable the "Online Friends" feature for sonetime, since that overloaded the servers. Adding a similar feature may be tough on the servers.

4. There's a potential of abusing the avatar system. Also, that would require extra moderation. It should *not* be made mandatory to specify country. Anonimity is one of the greatest features of lichess.

5. Lichess has no plans of adding more variants. Visit for different chess variants.

Edit: Spelling mistake, format correction.
#4 @CreativeThinking
1. Let's wait!

2.2. At your suggestion the club will have to register on one more site and use it only because of the club. It would be more convenient to do it on lichess.

3. I couldn't imagine that this function is very heavy on the servers. Interesting.

4. This is a field for discussion. If there may be difficulties with avatars (although I think it may be possible to solve them), then RECOMMEND (I mistaked using word REQUIRE, my bad) specifying the country when registering (many people don't do this because of laziness) shouldn't be difficult to do.

5. I know about, but there is no bughouse chess, and this is a very popular version of chess.
I have a simple idea to better the puzzle experience. Putting a comment thread or discussion, like in the studies, can allow users after completing or failing in a puzzle to comment on the position, provide an explanation for the move choice or read an existing comment.

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