
Correspondence vs. Classical Rating

My correspondence rating just became non-provisional. However, it's funny that my correspondence rating (1900) is significantly higher than my classical rating (1500). I wonder why. Perhaps I blunder a lot in timed games?

For everyone who has an established (non-provisional) correspondence rating: how does your correspondence rating compare to your classical rating?
It's not unusual for your correspondence rating to be higher as you can get through the opening virtually blunder free. You can use the opening explorer quite legally. After that your on your own. This can make a huge difference for players who normally struggle in the opening but can hold their own in the middle and end games.
I was not aware of this #2.
We can use use an opening explorer for correspondence ?? Like an engine just for the beginning phase ?
Never use an engine for any phase or move of the game. But, yes, you can use the opening explorer to help you in the opening phase.
Correspondence traditionally allows you to research all previous games, in books and databases, to study them, and choose the move you like best or want to try. When out of choices, you're on your own.
My correspondence rating is about 250 pts. higher than my classical. I take both pretty seriously (fully use databases within the rules for the correspondence games and treat classical games like otb games, setting up pieces on real board, touch move, etc.)
is normal.
because correspondence is more easy to play (lot of time for think and not pressure to move), the "everage player" is weaker than live chess, and the total payers are less than live chess.

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