
Will lichess be same as today in future or it will change

At some point, it will probably be VR 3d chess. Not sure if lichess will take this route but definitely can see this in the future.
@ewson what once was meant to be just an april fools joke turned out to become the bitter reality. 2D chess is dead. A new era begins with no one other leading the movement than lichess itself - once making jokes about 3D chess. Unbelievable. xD
The game will be the same but the experience will be contained totally in our minds.
🤔 hmm...there will be a huge decrease of lichess players and moderators from India (due to corona double mutated virus infections) for lichess content owners and programming...if they don't take good care of their health and sedentary lifestyles...we all might soon read another internet news, similar to a chesscube website demise...

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