
Cross table bug or something maybe

So I can't see my win/loss stats on the people I play anymore or the cross table at all now. Is it gone for good or is it just a bug?
It's a temporary inconsistency. Reload the page, it should appear.
Reloading the page doesn't exactly help
Patience. Crosstables are regenerating, they are coming back.
Good evening, Mr. Thibault.
Can I ask for a small feature for the crosstable improvement?
I would like there was arrows for scrolling for previous 20 games.
That would be useful when you want quickly review past games.
I can post the picture to explain what I mean.
Crosstables seem to be hit or miss. Sometimes they're there, sometimes they're not. Thought it might matter if you had played someone before (if not, no crosstable; if you had played, it would be there), but that's not the case.

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