
I just realised how bad i am

\@Le_Patzer83 said in #3:

> Step Two: Learn some basic strategy. Logical Chess is a good book. Maybe even How to Reassess your Chess by Silman. Also Silman’s endgame course. Bow down to the god that is Silman.

hey you should not advice a beginner player to do positional play because he needs to learn basics 1st and we should not learn positional play before reaching 1700 on lichess
and endgame courses are for maybe 2100 of lichess? idk he should to basics like you said in step 1
after reaching 1600 he can do basic endgames like 100 endgames you must know and some more
"... Logical Chess [(Batsford edition by Chernev)] ... a collection of 33 games ... is definitely for beginners and players who are just starting to learn about development, weak squares, the centre, standard attacking ideas, and the like. In many ways, it would [be] a wonderful 'first' book (or first 'serious' book, after the ones which teach the rules and elementary mates, for example), and a nice gift for a young player just taking up chess. ..." - IM John Watson (1999)
"... Silman’s Complete Endgame Course ... I'm convinced that Silman's book will take its place in history as one of the most popular endgame books ever. ... He writes in a clear and casual style, and time and again has shown the ability to reach those who feel intimidated by the lofty approach that a grandmaster will often take. ..." - IM John Watson (2007)
@Le_Patzer83 said in #3:
> Step Two: Learn some basic strategy. Logical Chess is a good book. Maybe even How to Reassess your Chess by Silman. Also Silman’s endgame course. Bow down to the god that is Silman. He will take you to the promised land of mediocrity.

I'd like to object to praising Silman like that. Personally I do not like his writing style at all. I gave up finishing the HTRYC book.
Have a look at IM Willy Hendriks "Move first, think later", a refreshing book which criticizes methods by Silman and Kotov.
For endgames I really like the "100 endgames you must know" by GM De la Villa.

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