
Opinions on takebacks on obvious mouseslips

i give takebacks to weenies. otherwise, i don't. and i ain't ask for takebacks, cause i ain't no weenie. just sayin.
I'll always give takebacks in casual games. In rated... maybe occasionally, for very obvious slips. Mouse slips that is, not brain slips.
i suppose some guys 'need' TB's when they move a piece in anticipation of your move, and you do something else?? i assume this is what some guys refer to as premoves????? when, it is not a premove. a premove to me is literally when you tell the computer, if he does this, i do that... that's a premove....i've only done this in correspondence chess...... but since people refer to premoves in bullet, i assume this is what they are talkin' bout. that's just what i've come up with at least in blitz and faster. i assume this is what is happening? but if i anticipate a move and make a blunder, i just resign. move on. get on with it. take backs are for those with slack morals...................
If you're premoving in bullet, it's generally either because the opponent's move is fairly obvious, or your time is so low that it doesn't really matter what you play. Actually, I suppose I would premove in the opening sometimes as well.

Anyway, I don't think I would grant a takeback for a premove.

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