
International Solving Contest

So today I participated in my first chess solving competition. In any case I did ok for a first time (4 solved, could have been 5 if not for a stupid oversight in first problem), but more importantly, I was blown away how complicated those seemingly "simple" mate in 2-3 puzzles can be. I made a lichess study using puzzles from today's competition, during which I did not even have time to go beyond puzzle 4 in 1st round and puzzle 10 in 2nd round. The rules for this challenge are simple, check out the study, absolutely NO ENGINES, other than that relax and have fun with them :) Let me know how you did (during competition we had 2 hours for first 7 puzzles and then 2 hours for remaining 6). I made a similar thread on reddit, here's the link to the study:

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