
What's this about? Is it an error?

I played a game just now, it was my opponent's first game. Here's the result:

About a minute ago Time out , White is victorious

Black piouyfdxcvbn (1500)-112
White Evildoer (1660)+11

I went to play him/her again but it said the account is closed?! Within 5 seconds of the game.
Offended? We didn't have any conversation or anything. I don't know why the person would be offended.
Probably a consciousness that came from the future in the format of an online chess player and your victory literally killed it. You should feel guilty now.

And why is everyone naming this mysterious one game player "he"? Couldn't it have been a "she"?
I have also read about using 'they' when you're not sure about the gender, but I barely use it because I think most people don't know about it and would have a hard time understanding.
You need to structure your sentences in a different way if you plan to avoid using gender specific pro-nouns. Take my sentence there for example, I primarily use "you" to replace "he" and "her" pro-nouns. I don't really think about it anymore, and I rarely come across a sentence where I can't sensibly avoid using a 'generic he'.

In this case, it's easy to change "he" with "your opponent".

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