
Refund rating was less than lost rating

Simple you played other games in the meantime. In these games you were underrated because you lost rating points you shouldn't . So you won more rating in the won games as you should have won because you were underrated. Lichess refund system takes this into account.

If you had play more games you wouldn't get any points back at all.
To elaborate a bit more on what fluxx:de said:

Rating is a measure for your playing strength, and it will adjust quickly, and you will be rated appropriately again after few games.

So rating is not an asset that you save up over time, and whatever you've lost is not something that is gone forever.

If lichess would simply add the full number of points you lost, and in the meantime you already regained some of them, your rating would be too high for your strength.

It is easier to visualize the problem if you imagine you lost many games and points, and then would get all those back at once. This makes the problem more obvious than those small 5 points or so from a single game.

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