
Search "user:FizzyFizz102"

11 forum posts
Correspondence League - 6th Correspondence Cup - Registration#106

Ill play.

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle vs normal elo#13

My puzzle rating is slightly higher then yours but my rapid is only 1100. I personally think puzzle rating is simply how much time you are willing to spend on each puzzle.

Lichess Feedback - solitaire chess.#5

@mcgoves said in #4: > Switch? Surely people can use both, if they want. may want to "beat" lichess, but it doesn't have to be reciprocated. fair. though i would rather have everything in on…

Lichess Feedback - solitaire chess.#2

Nobody has an opinion about this? Would you play it if it was a feature?

Lichess Feedback - Import game#2

why. + as far as I know, no.

Lichess Feedback - solitaire chess.#1

I first played the game on a physical board from thinkfun. I recently noticed that on the offline app you can play this. dunno I feel like it wouldn't be to hard to implement into the liches…

Lichess Feedback - Why no opt-in ads?#10

@Hedgehog1963 said in #8: > It is a core value of Lichess not to have advertising. You may as well suggest the site becomes a Go server as to have advertising. I was not aware of this thank you for in…

Lichess Feedback - Why no opt-in ads?#7

fine I will not argue any further then this: I would be totally with yall if it was opt-out ads (meaning on by default and you have to opt out) or just perm on. however I must disagree because opt-in …

Lichess Feedback - Why no opt-in ads?#4

Yes but it's opt-in so I don't see the difference between opt-in advertisements and opt-in donations. Maybe the privacy issues could be a issue however this could be offset by disclaimers.

Lichess Feedback - Why no opt-in ads?#2

(Only thing I can think of is people opting in to ads makes then less likely to donate)?
