
Search "user:Iordor"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - New Variant Proposal: Premove Chess#5

Might as well make a rts chess variant lol

Lichess Feedback - You played all the puzzles!#4

Play correspondence with a high tactical play style and opening, or try another service that offers different tactics. Or, you could try contributing more tactics to the people - it's a puzzle coming …

General Chess Discussion - My rating going downhill#5

Who cares if you suck on here? Just focus on having fun and getting better. If you can't stand losing then you might as well find a different game to play tbh. Try minecraft.

General Chess Discussion - Smart cheating#2

Sure, just about anything is possible with enough determination, but what would be the point on lichess? No recognition, fame, money, or club elo to be gained from all of that effort. One way to see w…

General Chess Discussion - A new chess set for you guys!#2

Reminds me of battlechess. We can add upload this to our accounts or can only lichess admins do it?
