
Search "user:Jean_Gunfighter"

7 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Is trolling and abuse allowed on lichess?#15

@MIsTeRDnd I have time to accept rematches, but I don't accept them to abuse and troll my opponents with it. Lichess says that trolling is not tolerated on Lichess. This includes deliberately disturbi…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is trolling and abuse allowed on lichess?#14

@Qwertise I don't use offensive or abusive words of course, I abuse and troll my opponents by declining rematch offers.

Off-Topic Discussion - Is trolling and abuse allowed on lichess?#13

@CreativeThinking Why it is not trolling? When I win with dirty flagging in completely lost position and didn't accept rematch then my opponent is tilted and it works same like trolling. That's why I …

Off-Topic Discussion - Is trolling and abuse allowed on lichess?#8

@anuj_guin so you must play rematch at least sometimes?

Off-Topic Discussion - Is trolling and abuse allowed on lichess?#7

@Pandas_of_the_Night but what I'm doing - is trolling and abusing by declining rematches. I'm confused this is allowed or not? You say that trolling and abusing is not allowed but then you say that it…

Off-Topic Discussion - Is trolling and abuse allowed on lichess?#1

I like trolling and abuse lichess players by declining treir rematches. It is fun to win (especially in lost position by dirty flagging) and then don't play rematch because I like bad sportsmanship an…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why dirty flaggers don't play rematces?#1

I found out interesting phenomenon, almost no one who won in comletely lost position by time never accept remath. Is it only my experience or this is regular bullet sportsmanship? Why players don't ac…
