
Search "user:Letpchess"

1676 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Cure for insomnia#17

Insomnia can be caused by many triggers... We don't really know enough about you to pinpoint the trouble, but also, not sure if anyone is a doctor here... I am not, but I can share with you some healt…

Off-Topic Discussion - Less time with the computer these days#1

Hey fellow forum posters! I've been less active in the forum community for the last couple months I guess. Winter can be VERY long for me, and so I spent a lot of time socializing here from my compute…

Off-Topic Discussion - how do you like your steak cooked?#15

minus the cow, plus the mushrooms and tofu

Off-Topic Discussion - Remote and hybrid workers, tell about going in to the office.#2

Oh my, I am not sure working WITHOUT coffee would make my work day fly by! I need the break to recharge and see some faces. I remember cubicle days when I had a few office jobs when I was in college. …

Off-Topic Discussion - Ur opinion on Trans people#26

@Zurel said in #1: > Idk. Dnt be rude Pretty sure these types of topics are not encouraged on this site because no one can say a negative word without being chat banned. Not sharing my opinion here be…

Off-Topic Discussion - Gen Y needs to chill#5

Generation Silent born between 1928-1944 Baby boomers born between 1945-1964 Gen X born between 1965-1979 Millenials (Gen Y) born between 1980-1994 Gen Z born between 1995-2015 Gen Alpha current youth…

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm considering changing my flair#4

I didn't spend a lot of time digging through flairs. I was just looking for something positive. A hug seemed to fit my personality. I never intend to hurt someone so PERHAPS some people will give me t…

Off-Topic Discussion - Give me the best pickup line you got.#47

@CDRED said in #45: > Ohhhh no! Definitely not personal. Just sharing my opinion. If I was gonna walk up to you or any girl I would open with a joke, simply because it would cool my nerves yep, yep...…

Off-Topic Discussion - Favorite thing to do on REALLY cold days?#24

@mortmann said in #21: > beach bodies are made in winter, as figure skating bodies are made in summer. > > so, when you cant do your sports outside, you can prepare for it inside your house by stretch…

Off-Topic Discussion - Favorite thing to do on REALLY cold days?#23

@morphyms1817 said in #22: > On the rare occasion when a winter storm is forecasted in my city, I may venture to a bookstore ahead of the storm and purchase a novel. SMART!!! I should pay more attenti…
