
Search "user:Magnocarlo"

18 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Nakamura takes down the 2022 FIDE Grand Prix#29

@MiloDjukanovic said in #19: > Hikaru's hands down the most toxic person on the professional circuit, and has been the most toxic person on the circuit for over a decade. His strength is not up for de…

Lichess Feedback - I am not being listed in the main page#15

Ole, @phoenixshade ! I fully agree. Besides, as far as I know @Kastorcito does stream in English. Good luck with your aim, you deserve to be there!

Lichess Feedback - Swiss Tournament#10

@pixelatedpr0n very nice, I didn't know it. That means that we can have, for instance, a classical swiss tournament with one round per week? 👀

General Chess Discussion - Introducing Maia, a human-like neural network chess engine#64

@Zoohouse #51 I read the article but couldn't find an answer to that question. Could you please quote the passage?

Lichess Feedback - Is it possible to change a team's name?#1

How can I do that?

General Chess Discussion - I don't understand the point of online chess teams#7

I would agree in the criticism regarding teams made "by casting". But that is not always the case. Many of them relay on actually chess clubs, whereas others come from another corners of the web. I.e.…

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[You can't access this team forum post]
General Chess Discussion - Why do Russian players quit lost games so often?#3

#2 Leaving games without resigning is what I meant.

General Chess Discussion - Why do Russian players quit lost games so often?#1

It is related with some cultural character I ignore? Aren't they taught in their childhood in the fundamentals of fairplay? Don't they know that chess was born as a gentlemen's game? Or are they all j…
