
Search "user:RishadanPort"

23 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournament page is stuck on yesrerday#19

It's not fixed yet? is it? doesn't work for me.

Lichess Feedback - Showing picture via imgur in my profile#3

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It worked.

Lichess Feedback - Showing picture via imgur in my profile#1

I looked online on how to show a picture in your biography section in the profile. I did as suggested as uploading image to imgur, and copying the link + putting it in my Biography section, but it doe…

Lichess Feedback - Analysis Engine Recommendation Arrows have gone missing#2

I actually can see them, if I hover my mouse over the suggested engine line above the move list But it use to show all of them together at the same time without having to do this.

Lichess Feedback - Analysis Engine Recommendation Arrows have gone missing#1

Just in the last day or so, in analysis mode I can no longer see engine arrows showing the top lines. What happened to them? Did I mess a setting up? I sometimes like occasionally see them but most of…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Weaknesses / Strengths Spider Graph#3

That's it! aahhh it's in puzzles. Thank you sorry.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Weaknesses / Strengths Spider Graph#1

Hi Sorry for the dumb question... I know I've seen this page on lichess where it shows like a spider graph of strengths / weaknesses of different categories -- but I can't seem to find it. Where is it…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Swiss Tournament Notification When Game Start#1

Many times in swiss tournaments, -- you need to wait for your next round, -- so often what I do is I go play puzzles, or do something other than be in the tournament lobby room. If you do puzzles or s…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess resign bug in completely drawn position (no pieces)#1

In this game: white accidentally double clicked the "resign" button, -- and resigned the game -- in a position, where his/her opponent had no pieces at all, -- and he …

Lichess Feedback - Classical Swiss Round Prompt#10

In all OTB tournaments I have played, -- opponents have like 15 minutes to show up, or they forfeit the game. Instead of perhaps having a button for round confirmation -- why can't lichess just forfei…
