
Search "user:Walter_von_Entferndt"

23 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - If you were a LiChess Mod (who can alter LiChess Functions and options) what would you do?#23

In the lessons N+B checkmate in Piece Checkmates II sometimes the red warning sign stating: "Try again" pops up after a sub-optimal move, e…

Off-Topic Discussion - If you were a LiChess Mod (who can alter LiChess Functions and options) what would you do?#22

This "Forced-Draw-feature" is in fact bogus and should be fixed. 2nd, I'd like to see the temini for Blitz, Rapid & Classic games corrected to match those of the FIDE rules: Blitz is up to & including…

Community Blog Discussions - Latvian Gambit | The Refutation#8

No, this is NOT a well written article. Please learn to write the moves in correct (and short) algebraic notation, like all others do: write "Nxe5" instead of "Ne5" etc.pp. as this notation makes it m…

Lichess Feedback - creating a Swiss tournament#7

He's just increasing entropy, not more, by asking this stupid Q. Sorry I have to be that harsh in this special case. Information is all there in the net & elsewhere. Go grab it.

Lichess Feedback - creating a Swiss tournament#5

Not you, but @flunn01

Lichess Feedback - creating a Swiss tournament#3

You should be blocked from Lichess, seriously.

General Chess Discussion - T-Mobile blocking links#2

How do you "send" these links? By e-mail? SMS?

Lichess Feedback - "Fair time" tournaments#6

Yes, no rating adjustment for these games. Just play and keep your rating. The idea is just to have a time format that allows weaker players to play with stronger ones, and get more surprises. It's ju…

Lichess Feedback - "Fair time" tournaments#1

I'd like to request "fair time" games & tournaments, i.e. the time for the game is splitted between the players based on their rating difference, reverse to the expected result of the game. E.g. for a…

General Chess Discussion - New chess player!#2

Play, play, play. Don't play Blitz, though, because "Blitz makes the good ones better & the bad ones worse". You need to have a certain level to play Blitz, otherwise you train yourself to play "cheap…
