
Search "user:Wieringa"

7 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - Feature suggestion: Tournament type where lichess is not doing pairing#12

I support the request. But btw I have now a working Google Script called *Pair and Invite* that can send Google calendar invites to paired players. The pairing is created from standard Berger tables. …

Lichess Feedback - The introduction of swiss and round robin for tournaments on lichess#208

Hi all just for your information I am working on this solution for round-robin management (for instance one slow game per week) with google calendar en google script. This is the idea: 1. Enter partic…

Lichess Feedback - Round Robin Tournament#63

A way to organize round robin tournament (with for instance one game per week) with Google Sheets and Calendar could be this: Create a tournament table with name and email addresses in Google Sheets S…

Lichess Feedback - Round Robin Tournament#53

At schaakvereniging maastricht we migrated an official Fide tournament (90m+30s) after one round to online. see Paring was done by a FIDE arbiter and players were in…

Lichess Feedback - Delete a Team #1

Made a typo while created a team did try to delete the team found option to delete but get a 403 and team is not deleted

Lichess Feedback - Discuss & analyze games first in a closed group then publish#1

Scenario Jim has finished a game in a traditional context: internal club competition or team match. Jim wants to discuss & analyze the game with other club members or his opponent. Jim is able * to cr…
