
Search "user:ariferen"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How Could This Happen?#1

I was playing with the A.I a few minutes ago, and in the twelfth moves in that game, it took my pawn with its pawn but my pawn wasn't in the place to be taken. Check here (12):…

Game analysis - Am I Too Bad?#7

@alleey, could you please tell me any opening tactics for beginners? Maybe i shouldnt look them on the net, but for starting, i need some tactics. @F_D89 Yeah, a friend of mine is going to give me a b…

Game analysis - Am I Too Bad?#4

But when i began playing chess, i was much, much better than this and i was able to defeat my friends who have known chess for more than a year.Anyway,thanks.I think i should'nt look out for opening t…

Game analysis - Am I Too Bad?#1

Could you please check it? i could'nt defeat it at even Stockfish A.I Lvl 1.It is almost been a year since i started it and i'm still not so far from the beginning (And was even better at the beginnin…
