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12 forum posts
CSS, JavaScript, Coding On Lichess - Opening names visible at all times in analysis board #7

Thanks for this, I always had to scroll to see the opening name in analysis board..

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#49

@z49910150 Are you using chrome, Did you install the scripts using Tamper Monkey?

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#47

You welcome and No problem. This is the power of open source and the community. Good luck your JS endeavours

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#45

Lemme try to explain how the scripts work @dboing 1. Ornicar's Good game script -Listen for an event signaling end of game(Using a websocket event) - Check from the event If I lost - If I did loose, f…

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#44

I updated the script, now you dont have to change 'username' to your username, the script will just do this by itself. Simply install the script from here…

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#42

@dboing These scripts are simply "hacks" around the web pages javascript. As for corespondence, I dont understand what you want you achieve: You want to reference past games to say something in the ch…

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#40

@z49910150 @dboing I tested the script(s) with one to one games and not tournaments nor correspondence. Lichess doesn't provide an API to do this and I simply extended @thibault script. @z49910150 If …

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#28

I understand the bit about automating good responses being meaningless except when I want to say good luck everytime

General Chess Discussion - should people be polite or just leave?#24

An upgrade to Ornicar's(Thibault) courtesy script now live. This Script adds functionality to say Goodluck, Have fun, at the beginning of the g…

General Chess Discussion - FIDE: Confidentiality Clauses and Secret Votes#3

2nd @heroku. Waiting for people to comment so I can read the comments.
