
Шахматы манго для мальчиков и девочек ---> Mango Chess

9 members

Шахматы манго для мальчиков и девочек ----->Mango Chess for Boys and Girls

добро пожаловать, у нас много турниров, нажмите зеленую кнопку, чтобы присоединиться, нам всем будет весело, Создатель команды: @Mranonymousplayz ----------------------> welcome , we have lots for tournament , press the green button to join , we all will have lots of fun , Team Creator : @Mranonymousplayz

привет это наши гости: @MrAnonymous563 : @grandmasteradi : -----------------------> hi these are the our
guests : @MrAnonymous563 : @grandmasteradi

we mainly make only swiss

these are the friendly teams :

these are the tournaments :

Team Etiquette
Lichess teams are a great tool! You can use them for many things such as:

Teams for your OTB club
An online club or league
Fan clubs of players and streamers
Shared interests
And many more reasons, almost without limit.


Mango chess15+10 • Rapid • Rated1 round Swiss