IM playRapidNotBlitz Lichess coach picture

IM Oleksii Molchanov

Attention is our most valuable resource

Location Ukraine
LanguagesEnglish (US), українська, русский язык
RatingFIDE: 24022636
Hourly rate$20
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello dear chess friends!

Oleksii Molchanov
age: 33
country: Ukraine
city: Odesa
The Head of 'Rokirovka' chess club in Odesa

Playing experience

Odesa region champion (2022, 2023)
Winner of Werder IM-TURNIER (2018)

Teaching methodology

I help to understand chess,
- how to study the game on your own,
- how to find your chess style and
- how to work on opening repertoire according to your nature