
Do you report often ?

Every few U1600 tournaments I discover that the winner (and if not the winner, the second or third), upon watching the list of his games, is a player (usually new) that resigns a LOT after one or two moves. That is, a player that sandbags.

So, every time I find one I report him/her immediately to the moderators (moderators must hate me by now, I imagine them saying "oh no, here comes another report from AllTheKingsPieces" lol)

I must have reported like about 15 or more players by now, most of which were banned.

Seeing that cheaters keep coming back, I wonder how many non-cheating players also get actively into reporting. I just hope we are more than a few !
There needs to be a sandbagging Olympics to see who can sandbag the hardest.
So do I. And more or less all of them were banned sooner or later (rather sooner ;-) )
I understand the logic of sandbagging in OTB tournament for money. But on Lichess ???

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