
Chess Partner

Hello, I'm 15 years old and I'm looking for a chess partner whose rating is close to mine. I'd like to have someone with who I can play some games, analyze them, share ideas in opening and middle-game, study endgames and do other activity related to chess.
If you are interested comment below or send me a PM.
What is your rating range for "around you" and what openings are you interested in? I saw a d4 opening by you just now. I do those as well but have a little more of an interest with g3 systems. Like the Catalan and g3 Grunfeld and KID. I also like sicilian accelerated dragons, and benoni structures. I am interested, and you probably should give a low rating and high rating. Otherwise you can have just anyone piping in. Like me!!:-)
@MeWantCookie my rating range is around 2100-2200+. I often play or transpose to the catalan, I used to play KID while with black I usually play najdorf and against 1.d4 I don't have a determinate repertory.
Send me a PM so we can talk in detail.

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