
New better Zen mode

Dear Lichess developers,

thank you for the slight changes made to the Zen mode feature. The post-game focus on the board is - at least imo - very beneficial to the purpose of that mode. Now, I finally enjoy a completely distraction free chess experience. Please keep up the good work.

Best regards
Strongly disagree. Please revert this 'improvement'.
Using the app on android, Zen Mode works as normal.
For me this is actually become a slight nuisance, it would be great if there was a way to select how our zen mode works:
Eg: ( Off -|- On Permanent (the changes) -|- On During Games (before changes) )
One can switch modes at any point by pressing Z on the keyboard, which is really helpful and since the app hasn't been changed in its functionality (assuming #4 is right) , I'd say the developers have covered the relevant scenarios.

Previously however, it wasn't that convenient to play through a series of games (e.g. in a tournament) without information that isn't directly related to your game (e.g. information about changes in rating). So now the original functionality is still there + an extra feature that hadn't been there before. That's just my take on it though.
No, this doesn't work for me at all. I assume it's a bug, not a feature.
Yeah you can just press z on your keyboard.
It’s not a Bug - it’s a command that you can do :)
I like this change; it allows me to stay in zen mode permanently. However, one thing I notice that I suspect IS a bug, is that when you go into an analysis board with zen mode on you can't see engine analysis. Not a big deal, but doesn't make any sense really. I assume that this isn't an intended feature. If anything you would want to have the players' ratings hidden when analyzing in zen mode. Right now you can see the players ratings, just not engine analysis.

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