
*In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?

In 40 years humanity might have wiped themselves out
the times when you could talk to people and have a conversation, everyone's glued to their phones, i remember when people weren't so damn miserable all the time, go out and meet up with people you didn't know and have a blast... nowadays you go to a bar and people just endlessly scrolling through phones ... i used to bring my board and set up and people would play or try to play... then at some point i was just sitting there and that was that.. the last time i set my board up...
Dry land, beaches,fresh water and food.
Nah really rickrolling and Justin Bieber.
People will talk about shopping malls. All malls are closed after 40 years as all people shop online.
<Comment deleted by user>
People will not be talking in 40 years, all communication will be relayed via scent language

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