
Are classical players much weaker than blitz/rapid players? If yes, should I stop playing classical?

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I got above 1600 in classical which is high for me but soon fell back down. I'd say wait until the rating is definite before coming to a conclusion. Some chess pros say classical is more important because in faster time control people don't have time to think and is more about how fast you can click.

If you want to see an approximate fide rating for yourself based on all time controls, put your username in here
the players that make up the general pool are less than rapid and blitz and the players are slightly weaker, now does that mean don't bother with it no, because you need to take the time and look into a position, find ideas and play them... what makes strong players strong is their dedication, practice, study routines, their creative, cunning, they hold positions, they can fight back from lost positions... they generate ideas, plans and execute them faster, more precise... everything takes time and practice... but they are beatable
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They are worse at fast time controls. Rapid can also be 15+10, which is almost cllassical. There is not much difference in slower rapid and faster classical. The difference is in blitz vs rapid/classical. If you are 1450 in 10 min rapid, you should be around 1500-1650 in the 30+20 classical pool. This is because you have time to look for threats, avoid silly blunders and also find plans for the endgame. In blitz you have no time for that at all, you play automatically and the quality of moves is very poor. You need 100-300 games played to have a reliable rating. The rating after 10 games is basically a random number. A 1450 rapid player has very small chances to win with a stable 1800 classical player if they play a classical game.
@MuldrothaEDH said in #4:
> idk i haven't played much classical(i'm trying to play more atm) but it does feel like my opponents make a lot more blunders at 1800 level than my 1800 opponents in rapid

I looked into your profile and found such an entry there - "FIDE rating: 2984". Did a technical error occur?
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