
who else plays an instrument

i play the harmonium and keyboard.
they are both very similar, except for the playing style
Amateur- self-taught- playing it in the worst method- keyboard
Flute, just sound and some random notes, no songs mainly because I havent even watched a single tutorial
mouth organ/harmonica same as flute, but occasionally songs, too lazy for tutorials
Toy guitar(2) hold it in worst way ever, try playing songs that sounds like.. idk but it's really bad
aaanddd trumpet: it is for school band, so it's kinda good as far as I know.. I can't play much high but its kinda good:)
So as I know playing trumpet, I must know to play euphonium, baritone, cornet, french horn, tuba, sousaphone etc too, right?
Piano and Violin and I used to play guitar...
I learnt to play the French horn when I was at school ,very badly xxx
piano for 8 years and I just started classical music lol.. used to do handbells, violin, chimes and some other instrument that I forgot what its called. it looks like a fish.

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