

I haven't been following the women's chess tournament so may this has already been discussed but.....

My youtube feed just featured a game between Begim Tokhirjonova and Nazi Paikidze.


How sick does one need to be to name your child after the third reich? I realize she didn't pick that name her parents did, but anyone but an absolute psychopathy would change their name as soon as their old enough.
Do you think, her parents thought of the Third Reich?
My guess is, it's an unfortunate result of transcribing her name from georgian letters to latin letters.
It's a popular name in that part of the world. The German word is an acronym. Should the rest of the world never use words in their language with those letters? Should we go through 3000 years of tyranny and ban names similar to other tyrants or organizations? Thankfully few are named Caligula. Stalin was a mass murderer Should we ban Josef? Khan? Julius? McDonald's?
Close enough. It represented an organization. Point still remains. All the Khans in the world ironically probably actually related to the original should now change their name. Let's hope there isn't a SMITH Party that commits atrocities. That's about 80 million name changes.
@drSabrotna said in #6:
> Close enough. It represented an organization. Point still remains. All the Khans in the world ironically probably actually related to the original should now change their name. Let's hope there isn't a SMITH Party that commits atrocities. That's about 80 million name changes.

That is a little extreme but if your last name is McVeigh don't name your son Timothy.
Americans when they realize other languages exist
Should the Ashkenazi people change their name as well ? Respectfully, this is a very stupid and offensive thread

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