
Premove expansion?

Why are we only allowed one premove per turn? Why not like other sites where we can premove up to 8~10 moves a turn? Also does premove take 0.1 seconds off or it does not cost time?
This suggestion was made many times before, but nothing seems to change. Certainly, it would be helpful in low time control games.
Katsura, premoving does take time off of your clock, although the amount it takes off seems to vary based on your internet connection. about 0.2 seconds is what it normally takes off for me, but it's not uncommon for me to see it take 0.5 seconds or longer. Some of my opponents with better connections have it take about 0.02 seconds.
#3 I thought there was some timeseal/timestamp function compensating for internet lag.
There is lag compensation, but it only works up to one second. If your lag is higher than a second, you won't get all your lag compensated.
#5 Then it shouldn't depend on internet connection unless lag is more than 1 s.
and yet it does. lichess says my ping is 143 ms, which seems about right, but maybe it's short somehow? IDK. I've never had a premove that didn't take at least 0.1 seconds off the clock on my side from what I've seen. I'll admit that I'm usually watching the board during premove time scrambles though.
I prefer current style with 1 premove. Multiple premoves will favor faster player, who will 1st build a premove chain, and flag opponent

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