
Bd5, or R1e7?

Also if somebody could teach me how to put the board in the post, rather than the FEN, I'd much appreciate that. :)

1.R1e7 yields a whole rook within 2 moves as far as I can see. So I prefer that to a long variation-wrong variation.
Not quite unless your are using an engine and being safe like a sleepwalker.

Although winning 1.Bd5 is a long line and Black keeps his Queen. Would not be a practical choice in my opinion. Actually one has to calculate various promising second moves...
I would prefer the human understandable move that only puts you at +7 vs the computer move where you are at +50 but it's very sharp and you have to play very accurately. +7 is good enough to win so why give yourself the headache of having to play a difficult sharp position when you already have the win?

As to your second question, I think perhaps analysis boards can't be loaded into comments, a pity. This is a workaround I found, you can create a game vs the machine using the fen and use the url for that game. et9VERUp
without the space =

Edit: Ok, I notice that this displays the board but is not interactive, which leaves much to be desired. So the other way off the top of my head, which I'm too lazy to do right now is instead of creating a game with machine use the FEN to create a study and link to that. Whew.

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