
Who has the lowest lichess rating on this website

Please, no one point out an actual account.
naming actual account would sort offensive but there are several
hovering on 400 dot you can see there is over 200 players there. Of course it is a bracket from 400-424 but the fact that there are only about 150 accounts on next bracket tells that there is more than one - maybe about 50 - accounts at rating 400.

If you really want know account names you download months worth of games and then with some database tool search for games where either player was 400
@petri999 said in #6:
> naming actual account would sort offensive but there are several
> hovering on 400 dot you can see there is over 200 players there. Of course it is a bracket from 400-424 but the fact that there are only about 150 accounts on next bracket tells that there is more than one - maybe about 50 - accounts at rating 400.
> If you really want know account names you download months worth of games and then with some database tool search for games where either player was 400
Yesterday I saw a guy with best rating 573 and lowest rating 473

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