
Tournament doesn't show in Arena

I created a tournament of 7+2 and it doesn't show in the arena. The only way people can join is if I send the link. Can this be updated?
@Stevelabours I don't think it will be updated anytime soon. If Lichess would display all user created Arenas and team battles, there would be way too many tournaments displayed. It used to be displayed more than a year ago but was changed once there were too many tournaments.
@jeffforever They could have a lobby, list the simple starting in the next 2 minutes. Limit the simuls to a certain number....
I also think it would be nice to have a tournament lobby where all ongoing and upcoming tournaments (arena and Swiss) can be viewed with various sorting and filtering options. This would be very similar to how the normal lobby works, but for tournaments. As it is now the tournament stuff is a bit scattered and limited.

With the tournament lobby the user created tournaments would be meaningful since people would actually be able to find them. I do not see why this would be that technically challenging compared to other features implemented on Lichess.
Its a shame there is no way to publicize user-created tournaments. The only thing i can think of is to send individual users invitations or publish on some external sites, but that just seems odd. Why shouldn't lichess users be able to find these tournaments somewhere on the site?

Just as an example: a user wants to start a thematic tournament with a certain less common opening. How do the people interested in playing that opening find out about it? Possibly a search function in tournaments lobby would help.

Possibly you could also have an option to display tournaments of people you are following? That would be a neat filter to have.
Well, you just need to be a team leader for this ... then you can do inner team arenas (at least if you have a team large enough to make it work) or create team battles ...

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