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33 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Pirc Defense#4

@Sarg0n said in #3: > I play the KID successfully but I cannot make the Pirc/Modern/Tiger work. Those similarities are overrated - chess is much more concrete. Yeah, I believe there’s much more traps …

General Chess Discussion - Why is King's Indian rarely seen on GM's games?#4

@MrPushwood said in #3: > Let's see...Fischer, Bronstein, Gligoric...yeah, I see your point. My bad for not explain clearly. Actually I mean GM in recent 5 years.

General Chess Discussion - Why is King's Indian rarely seen on GM's games?#1

I mean top GM's games.

General Chess Discussion - Which fancy computer mouse do you use for speed ?#15

To be honest, I'm quite dubious about the relationship between mouse and rating

General Chess Discussion - How do I refresh my mind after not touching chess for months?#1

I haven't played chess for about 2 months(ignore the bullets), and I felt my level drop down. How can I recover from that?

General Chess Discussion - How to go from 1600-1700 to 2000?#7

Although I’m not a 2000+ rated player, I suggest you to work on some chessbooks involving planning and strategy

General Chess Discussion - how could one reach candidate master after reaching 2000 rapid#1

I never take any real fide tournaments, and I wonder how could one improve after 2000rapid on lichess (that’s quite strong for me)

General Chess Discussion - Are there any good recommendation on chess YouTuber?#1

I recently subscribed GM Daniel Narodisky, Is ther any more GMs and IMs that give in-depth video like him on YouTube?

General Chess Discussion - What is the main difference between FIDE tournaments and lichess rapid games?#1

If, say, I managed to achieve relative high rating in lichess(2000+), then what could be my FIDE rating( I never attend decent tournament and doesn't have any rating.)

Game analysis - Help me with this d4 game!#1

I have been struggling with D4 pawn games like recently played: It seemed to be awkward for me (black) facing d4 instead of e4, where positional play often drives me crazy. Can someone please help ana…
