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548 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How ratings relate to statistical chances of winning a game?#14

@Physicist1993 I assumed you knew what RD meant, my mistake. If you read the paper on Glicko-2 linked earlier, you will see that this system uses rating deviation (RD) in addition to a point estimate.…

General Chess Discussion - How ratings relate to statistical chances of winning a game?#11

@Physicist1993 You are still wrong because of RDs

General Chess Discussion - How ratings relate to statistical chances of winning a game?#5

I don't believe calculations like these are built into glicko-2 They would have to be estimated empirically from Lichess data P.S. "if 2 players are rated 1500 each then I would expect it to be a 50/5…

General Chess Discussion - When will you make an lichess app for PC? Lichess that you can download#12

@ProgramFOX Well, it would use less RAM than any major browser

Lichess Feedback - Some problems I noticed for several people that started using this site and some questions#6

Seriously, even if you are not trolling could you just say they you are? It is just too sad to think you are actually an asshole.

Lichess Feedback - Some problems I noticed for several people that started using this site and some questions#4

@BestSiteEver Honest question here, are you an asshole or just trolling? I really would like to know.

General Chess Discussion - Bits on lichess#3

"I believed all what is linked to lichess would be free ..." Would you expect Google to forgo any advertising revenue from google searches of "lichess" too?

Game analysis - Great study about Grob openning#3

Sharp is one word for it...

General Chess Discussion - Aborting is disgusting #9

@seanysean What are your thoughts on aborting?

General Chess Discussion - Aborting is disgusting #7

To be fair, you were 750+ points higher rated than them
