
Search "user:PatzerGareBear13"

709 forum posts
Game analysis - 1. e3!?!?!?!?!?#1 Ok so I made a rookie mistake and mouse slipped, but I was still able to win. In retrospect, is e3 actually a viable move?

General Chess Discussion - Cheater Caught?!#1

I recently played in a rapid tournament where I lost a couple of games to a guy. I think someone saw my games and reported him for app…

Off-Topic Discussion - Does lichess have a Discord?#1

Just curious, I just created a account. If you know the name, please share it in the comments or pm and invite me. Thanks!

General Chess Discussion - Where are the good places in America to play chess on a daily basis #20

@hurryupdude yes, all of the hustlers provide clocks. I first played a blitz game and made some bad blunders, and then won a clockless friendly game, and my last opponent had a clock, but based on how…

Game analysis - Completely ignoring his threats!#1 Modern Chess is too much concerned with things like Pawn structure. Forget it, Checkmate ends the game! -Nigel Short In this game, I simply ignored his irrelevant material…

General Chess Discussion - Where are the good places in America to play chess on a daily basis #17

A notable mention is Harvard Square in Boston. You can play for money there, or find a casual game. While visiting in the fall, the tables were being renovated, but I played 3 games on temporary table…

Game analysis - How to screw up a drawn endgame#1 I had a drawn rook and pawn endgame but made some dumb moves. Feel free to share your games that you should've drawn...

General Chess Discussion - Magnus Carlsen's Gambit Against Sicilian 2. a3!#10

Loved the video @thecca ! Keep up the good work! I've been looking for a nice and tactical gambit to play against the Sicilian for quite a while. I tried the Smith Morra but that didn't go too well. I…

Off-Topic Discussion - Happy New Year#3

Happy New Year!

Off-Topic Discussion - Resolution for 2018#3

Get my USCF rating to 2000, expert level.
