
Search "user:NamedTacoLord"

65 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Levy Rozman's Catching Cheaters Series..#46

#45 "I've only seen the first video and I think one other, in the videos I saw, he didn't say if you're high rated and have no title you are a cheater. so it's pointless to make an argument about how …

Lichess Feedback - Petition for Variant Puzzles#2


Lichess Feedback - General chat#10

#9 No we're all in Hong Kong. You're clearly a member of the chinese communist party trying to divide us. Nice try.

Lichess Feedback - General chat#8

#6 All of us are in Hong Kong. Are you not?

Lichess Feedback - General chat#2

It sounds like a good idea but realistically it wouldn't work. There would just be too much moderation you'd have to deal with and it would really waste a lot of moderator time. However, the official …

Lichess Feedback - Stealing elo with bots#5

I got told once that if I did that I would get a cool mark on my profile. Probably like GM or something because your rating would be so high. (Don't actually do it.)

General Chess Discussion - Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess#484

Man you really have to be a loser to still be commenting on this.

General Chess Discussion - Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess#20

What is women?

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Off-Topic Discussion - lichess and moderators have to much power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have to do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#12

We can also storm thibaults house in the Carribean and take away his communist, atheist, drug-fuelled drugs.
