
International Master wins Titled Arena (again)!

If you write I am first, you get dislike so much... idk why but...
Not weird because lichess time controls are not ok!
bersek feature ruins everything because people are coming to play blitz but instead they play bullet or they come to play rapid but they play blitz instead of that!
so lichess ratings aren't real!
If someone likes to play bullet or he is fast he should play bullet instead of blitz and bersek is nonsense!
I know that playing with bersek is hard but then ratings does not match to the real ratings! If we want to keep bersek we should change rapid ratings to blitz and blitz ratings to bullet because the real time control that played was that!
@DerekMcGill , Last time or Last-to-last time , i guess someone was not titled , but still was able to play in the tournament.........
also IM aisa86( who happens to be a lady) won the titled arena warm up, it was a good day for IMs

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