
Announcing the Lichess World Championship


If I enter enough of these, I will eventually be a world champion. Happy days.

Now all I have to do is study hundreds of openings until I know them off by heart, 25 moves deep (minimum), middle games, end games, read loads of books, solve millions of puzzles and ask 1000 times on the forum how I can be good!

Lichess Rocks!!

ps. At the time of writing this, if I was the only one in the competition I'd come second, but you wait a couple of days, a week at the most!!!!
As a big fan of Fischer I believe all world championship winners are prearranged beforehand including this one
@Lichess : why not open it for EVERY player? :)
Could do a huge WCS qualification arena with the top 10-ish getting a ticket for the main event. That way all lichess users can participate in the WCS and very strong hobby players have a tiny chance to play vs the actual Fide titled players.
Time to add eastern chess championship into requested tournaments
If only there were a way to make every major tournament a world championship...
don't make a Championship every 2 weeks, i do believe it is better to have fewer lichess Championship like 1 each semester or something like that. Otherwise it will have no appeal!
It’s a bit pretentious I know but at the end of the day anyone can call something a World Championship and, if you offer a million dollars in prizes, people will come and take part.
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