
How many accounts can I create?

@Akbar2thegreat said in #11:
> Unlimited but as long as they belong within Terms of Service.

Unlimited but generally not more than three.

Here, changed it for you.
@Deadban said in #12:
> Unlimited but generally not more than three.
> Here, changed it for you.

So what are the 'not general' cases?
@Shadow1414 said in #10:
> I don’t think Lichess gives a shit how many accounts you make, as long as you don’t do stupid things with your accounts (i.g. Rating manipulation, ban evasion, following yourself, etc).

@Akbar2thegreat said in #11:
> Unlimited but as long as they belong within Terms of Service.

These two are perfect.
I think that you can have some accounts, no lying to lichess terms, but with Lichess Classes, you can create multiple accounts that does not violate Lichess Terms Of Service.
You can create the min/max of 575847587248579365984737658726587632017256037650736587126578162305634705682657467r654780685746016075607146 accounts. :D I have 5475972438957298459476597346587463587964897564978564973658719436587146587136458736491819747887987869679976 accounts :DDD
@GeorgeZhuang said in #18:
> You can create the min/max of 575847587248579365984737658726587632017256037650736587126578162305634705682657467r654780685746016075607146 accounts. :D I have 5475972438957298459476597346587463587964897564978564973658719436587146587136458736491819747887987869679976 accounts :DDD

Then tell username of all those accounts which you own!

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