
I'm quite impressed...

@bla2e, click the "eye" icon on the very top right of the page. There's a zoom slider in that menu.
I don't get the feeling lichess is either lacking loyal users nor are the developers asking why. Don't think it would then be possible for either to still be the case in a couple of years (since it isn't the case now).
Yeah, lichess seems to have quite a stable base of loyal users. I can say from experience trying to get more of my friends and titled players to join that we're stuck in a bit of a Catch-22.

Stronger/titled players that I've had try the site really enjoy the site, but don't like that if they log in and have 20 minutes to play, the odds are not so great that they'll get a competitive game at the desired time control.

The strongest players here are quite strong, but there just aren't that many of them.

So, the Catch-22 I've encountered trying to popularize lichess among very strong players is this: They would join lichess, but only if there were more players who were very strong; however, there won't be more very strong players on the site unless they join.

I can't blame them for wanting to get a game with someone their level quickly, and that's the one thing a site like ICC still has in spades. You can be a strong GM and get a strong pairing very quickly in one of the pools.

The small pool of very strong players is no fault of the site, of course, but increasing that pool would be very helpful to the site's popularity (people like coming to sites where they can watch GM-GM games, for example).

Other sites tend to solve that problem with money, which isn't really an option here. It's a tough thing to solve...
Hopefully we'll be able to do what lichess does best - impress with our philosophy, modernity, urbanity and impressive coding to draw people here.

Whilst GMs and IMs may want monetary compensation to play here, not all of them will. We already have drawn one GM - Milacek. He plays of his own volition, though has gone inactive because of a lack of players at his strength.

We'll start with NMs and CMs. I'm sure we have a fair few players around that strength.
The analysis board no long highlights the recommended move. That was a great feature, and even one of the top features on this site. Now it's a tiny notation at the side of the screen that's very hard to see.

esp. @#30
Lichess should stay as mainly online playing free site - not striving for records in numbers of statistics making mistake of "spying buttons"/ 3-party scripts implementation.
It is for chess not chat. Too many non-chess bloat = I will totally return to FICS .
Well , even now I play more often there because I prefer separate from browser chess aplication...I wish lichess also have such one.
But I advertize in my profile :
I play also on excellent via browser, try it ! Totally for free all features.And there are plenty of them.Good anti-cheaters control.Always 2000-3300 players. Also no ads !

By the way , good feature would be -when I touch user name see how many games he played here (20 or 2000) instead of useless icons/info that he has no rating in some chess variants , if no ratings= should be not visible = at least optionally in preferences ...
esp. @rfw "something from time to time stops working" = maybe it is related with scripts blocking addons NoScript and/or Request Policy in Firefox or similiar in function .
Now (from ZoXoTeK IT-Services GmbH -right ?) means you must allow also , , , ,
but , , can be blocked ;)
The flat structure should stay intact. No live chat whoring and nerds getting internet famous. Nobody is god here besides Main Admin. And he's one of the guys.

No ads, no widgets, total privacy, minimal design.

Thanks so much for the absolutely most perfect chess site in the universe.

One love
Well, I will definitely go ahead and agree with all of #48 above me. I despise a site like that seems to cater more toward socialization than chess. If I want to socialize, there are a multitude of sites where I can do so online. If I want to play chess with a seamless interface yet without all of the fluff and BS - I come here now.
#48 and #49 - not sure how having chat and socializing should stop you from using the site as you currently do. Just don't use the functionality you don't want to use.

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