
Types of Chess Players at OTB that annoy you:

@derkleineJo said in #10:
> It was the same guy, that later (after I won my game against his teammate), came to me and tole me, that I normally should have lost that (complicated) endgame... => Could be an additional player-type.

thats #1 and #2 kinda, but we could expand it to

#19: the wuda-cuda-shuda-guy
#20: mr. hindsight
when I played OTB for the first time in years, a clock slammer was so annoying to both me and my opponent that we drew early
The wanderer: As soon as they feel comfortable with or even bored by your play the start to take walks and occasionally come back to play when you made your move.
21. The oponents pockets are vibrating.
Good topic, I'm feeling inspired.

My opponent from two weeks ago kept coughing on my face, but only when he was sitted in front of me. He spent most of the time walking around, not coughing.

Once, I played against a woman who kept humming a song, I'm pretty sure it was deliberate. I hid my annoyance and said nothing for several minutes, until the neighbouring player, exasperated, asked her loudly to shut up. Sweet memory!

The guy you just beat who tells you after the game that you played badly. All time classic.

And there was that guy in a team game who complained loudly about the noise, and who used two retractable pens to write down his moves and times, in two different colors... *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* Made everyone crazy !

And that one who called the arbiter because I didn't remember my exact elo rating.

And all the ones that eat in front of you or spill their coffee on the table...
22.That person that constanty bites his nails,or tries to pick something from his teeth(This one really annoyed me,in one game,his breath smelled so much when he opened his mouth that I got intoxicated and lost the game xD).It just annoys and makes you feel nervous.
The guy that won't move when there is only one move to make.

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