
Types of Chess Players at OTB that annoy you:

@Rookitiki said in #12:
> thats #1 and #2 kinda, but we could expand it to
> #19: the wuda-cuda-shuda-guy
> and
> #20: mr. hindsight

aha, dunno why I didn't think of those, thanks

'You could have played blah to blah here" - Shud up
@Dukedog said in #20:
> The guy that won't move when there is only one move to make.

That's totally okay for me, as long as his/her clock is still running... :D

Have fun!
My kids. If I don't let them win, they won't play again.
Did anyone mention the BO guy? That would be me sometimes :(
Then again, possibly even more annoying is the excessive cheap aftershave guy or the heavily perfumed lady...
@WassimBerbar said in #21:
> The guy who keeps playing on until checkmate, even OTB.

So if that wll be 23.

24. The opponent that is continuously tapping his fingers (impatiently) on the table while it is your turn.

(yeah it is the trembling legs variant I know)

25. Excessive slamming the clock rather then the pieces when it is not a rapid or blitz game but classical time format.

26. The opponent that tells / does not tell you (choose your preferred one) when you forget to hit the clock after your move

27, The opponent stretching out is hand...not to resign and congratulate you but after a slight hesitation moves further to wipe of sweat of own forehead

The guy who rage-quits when they are about to lose
The guy who plays a random move and instantly regrets it.
“Bro my queen is attacking ur knight- Bruh why’d I do that.”
@WassimBerbar or the guy who resigns one move away from a spectacular queen sac followed by a beautiful double knight checkmate.
Also kinda disappointed Nepo didn't play on a bit to let Ding have the Knight/Rook/Pawn mate, back in the romantic era they play on til they were mated just to let their opponent get that beauty of a final position

okay this is one of the least concise posts i've made in a while apologies for hard-to-readness
The terrorist
I hate being threatened with my life while trying to play a 10-0 game at gun point

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