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18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Checkmates in less than minimum moves counts as puzzle failed.#5

I found the puzzle that made me start this thread and it turns out my mate was 3 steps longer than the best sequence. My gut feeling is that I've gotten a puzzle failed when it has been less than that…

Lichess Feedback - Checkmates in less than minimum moves counts as puzzle failed.#1

If there is a puzzle with say checkmate in 3, but you instead manage to do it in 4, you get a puzzle failed. I think this is what the analysis counts as "not the best checkmate sequence". I think that…

Lichess Feedback - Question about the difficulty of puzzles you get to play.#1

I've played a lot of puzzles on Normal difficulty, and I've noticed that the rating of a puzzle always seems to be around 200 above my rating once I finish it. Shouldn't the engine pick a puzzle close…

Lichess Feedback - Possible puzzle bug #4273#1

In this puzzle: Wouldn't this also be a solution? In both cases, you are left with queen against rook.

Lichess Feedback - New Interface#88

I think the "Play > Real time" link should go to the main page, not "Create a game" as it does now. Or add another button for the main page.

Lichess Feedback - Grammar error in puzzles.#1

When training some openings, it says "Find 1 strong moves". It should say "move" and not "moves".

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 11958 error#4

Ah, I see. I've often thought "hey this puzzle is wrong" and tried it in the analysis and against the engine but this time I didn't see that.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 11958 error#1

In this puzzle: Moving any knight to E5 should win the puzzle, but only moving the one on D counts as a win.